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Linux Installation


Before installation, make sure that you have met the minimum requirements to run Cortex. This instruction is for stable releases. For beta and nightly releases, please replace cortex with cortex-beta and cortex-nightly, respectively.


  • OpenMPI
  • curl
  • jq
  • tar

Install Cortex.cpp

  1. Install cortex with one command
  • Network installer for all linux distros

    curl -s | sudo bash -s

  • Local installer for Debian-based distros

    curl -s | sudo bash -s -- --deb_local

  • Parameters

    • --channel <channel_name> cortex channel will be installed stable, beta or nightly. Default vaule is stable
    • --version <version> version cortex want to install Ex --version 1.0.2. Default the script will get latest version of corresponding channel
    • --is_update the current command run is for update
    • --deb_local Using local installer for linux debian base distros
  1. Ensure that Cortex.cpp is sucessfulyy installed:

    # Stable
    cortex -v

Data Folder

By default, Cortex.cpp is installed in the following directory:

# Binary Location
# Application Data (Engines, Models and Logs folders)
# Configuration File

Uninstall Cortex.cpp

# Stable version
sudo /usr/bin/

Build from Source


  • OpenMPI
  • CMake >= 3.10
  • gcc/g++ >= 9
  • ninja-build
  • make-gnu

Build Cortex.cpp

  1. Clone the Cortex Repository

    git clone
    cd cortex.cpp
    git submodule update --init

  2. Build the Cortex.cpp :

    cd engine
    make configure-vcpkg
    make build CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS="-DCORTEX_CPP_VERSION=$(git rev-parse HEAD) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TEST=OFF -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"

  3. Verify that Cortex.cpp is builded correctly by getting help information.

    # Get the help information
    ./build/cortex -h

Update cortex to latest version


🚧 The script requires sudo permissions and works only if the user follows the installation instructions above or if the cortex binary file and the cortex-server binary file are installed in /usr/bin for all Linux distributions. If your binary files are located in a different folder, please manually update the binary files.

sudo cortex update